
6 Sahur Recipes That You Need to Try in 2023

If you’re already hearing the Yusuf Tayoob advertisement, you know what that means! Fasting month for our fellow Muslim brothers and sisters is coming. With that being said, we want to share with you 6 Sahur Recipes that you need to try!

1. Simplest Sahur Recipe – Telur Mata Kicap with Sambal 

Image taken from Faiz Ibrahim Facebook Post 

First up, is the legendary, simple Telur Mata Kicap with sambal. I call this the legendary dish because that’s just what it is. It doesn’t matter in what phase you are in life right now, this simple dish will forever be in many of our hearts. Thus, why I add it in as the first dish you need to cook for your sahur! 


  • Eggs 
  • Soy Sauce
  • Sliced Red Onion
  • Sliced Chili
  • Sambal (Any preferred sambal)
  • Lime juice (if you like the little sour surprise)


  • Add your sliced onion into a wok with oil 
  • Crack how many eggs you’d like 
  • Add Soy Sauce 
  • Pour your sliced Chili all over
  • Get a spoonful of sambal to add in your egg and let it sit for awhile
  • Before putting out the fire, top your egg of with some lime juice

2. Maggi with Sambal 

Next is Maggi with Sambal. I’d say this is pretty simple but still so delicious and it suits us, the Malaysian taste bud. 


  • 2 packs of Maggie Kari 
  • 1 egg
  • Sambal (any preferred sambal)


  • Prepare your Maggie Kari as usual (best to not have too much water)
  • Add the flavor in, and put your egg in 
  • Add your desired amount of Sambal 

3. Comfort Food Sahur Recipe Nasi Aruk 

Nasi Aruk is one of my favorite, simple dishes! If you don’t already know it, Nasi Aruk is a traditional Sarawak Malay style fried rice. This dish does not require any oil to fry the rice. How can something so simple taste so heavenly? Try this recipe and you tell me!  


  • Rice (You can definitely use the extra rice from yesterday’s dinner)
  • Red Onion
  • Anchovies


  • Use non-stick pan for this recipe (Since no oil is needed) 
  • Heat up your pan, then add in your red onion and anchovies 
  • Once the aroma starts to emit, add in your rice 
  • Continue frying it until it is well mixed

4. Simple Sahur Recipe – Fried Macaroni

Here’s another very simple yet delicious recipe that you guys can try for your sahur! This might not be a norm for some but I love fried Macaroni. 


  • 200 g chicken cubed
  • 2 eggs beaten
  • 2- 3 stalks leafy greens
  • 1 large onion chopped
  • 5 cloves garlic chopped
  • 3 tbsps oil for frying
  • Salt and pepper for seasoning
  • Macaroni
  • 4 tbsps ketchup
  • 2 tbsps chili paste sambal
  • Two tbsps oyster sauce
  • 2 tsps sugar


  • Season your cubed chicken with salt and pepper and put it aside
  • Prepare your onion, garlic and leafy greens — into cube pieces or however you like 
  • Boil water, add a teaspoon of salt into the water, once the water is hot enough, add your macaroni into it
  • While waiting for that to boil, you can proceed frying the meat, add oil into your frying pan and add in your chopped onion and garlic
  • Once the aroma emits, add in your chicken cube, stir-fry until cooked 
  • Add your leafy greens, and stir-fry around 30 seconds
  • Now, it’s time to add your macaroni! Add em in ketchup, chili paste sambal, oyster sauce and sugar. Stir-fry until well combined and you’re done! 

5. Fruit Cocktail 

Next, is some sweet thing for your sweet tooth! I know we can simply buy this at the Bazaar Ramadhan, but being able to make it yourself is satisfying! You can add in whatever and how much you want in your fruit cocktail.  It’s pretty simple and you can substitute the fruits to ones that you prefer. 


  • One whole Dragon Fruit
  • 1 Red Apple
  • One Green Apple
  • 1 Mango
  • Seedless grapes (I love these!)
  • 1 can of Lychee
  • 1 ½ can of Condensed Milk
  • Mixed Yoghurt (Optional)
  • Sweetened Creamer (Follow your level of sweetness)
  • Cooked Sago 
  • Ice


  • Mix all your chopped fruits in one bowl 
  • Pour in your Lychee, condensed milk, yogurt and sweetened creamer. Mix well.
  • Add in the Cooked sago on top, and mix them well
  • Lastly, add ice and it’s ready!

6. Sahur Recipe – Kurma Milkshake 

I LOVE DATES! And to have them in a form of beverage is making me excited. This recipe is from the famous Khairul Aming and I am confident that this recipe tastes the bomb. 


  • 1 cup of oat
  • 1 cup of fresh milk 
  • 4 pieces of dates (remove the seed)
  • 1 cup of water 
  • 1 piece of Banana (Optional)


  • This is to be prepared the night before. Add one cup of oat to a bowl, and add 1 cup of fresh milk 
  • Remove the seed of the dates, and soak it in water. And let them sit in your fridge the whole night
  • The next day, pour your overnight oat and soaked dates into your blender and blend them 
  • This is optional, you can add in one piece of banana to blend together

That is it for our Sahur Recipe for 2023 for now! If you have any other recommendations, do share with us below, or if you have tried these recipes, which one was your favorite? Till then Borneo Foodies! To my fellow Muslim brothers and sisters, happy fasting! 

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